In the middle of the Atlantic Ocean lies Madeira Island - an autonomous region of Portugal fully integrated into the European Union and a part of the Schengen Area. Madeira has been, since 2015, the World's Leading Island Travel Destination.
Getting a Golden Visa in Madeira is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for those seeking a safe investment while having the ability to live, work and travel without restriction in the entire Schengen Area and visa-free access to 191 countries after getting a Portuguese passport.

Why should you get a Golden Visa in Madeira, Portugal?
Getting a Golden Visa residence permit in Madeira has plenty of advantages:
- Ability to live and work in Portugal
- Visa-free travel all over Schengen Area
- Portugal is the 3rd safest country in the world
- Access to 191 countries visa-free
- The investment options start at € 250.000
- Your investment qualifies your immediate family
- You can apply for Portuguese citizenship after 5 years
- The Portuguese passport is the 5th strongest in the world
What are the Golden Visa rules?
To get a Golden Visa, there are various investment options. Please note that:
- The funds for the investment must be transferred from abroad
- The investment activity must be maintained for at least 5 years as of the time the Golden Visa has been granted
- The investor must not be a citizen of the EU or of a member state of the Schengen Area
- The investor must not have been convicted of any crime punishable in Portugal with more than 1 year of imprisonment nor be registered with the Portuguese or Schengen information system
- The Golden Visa residence permit can be renewed for two periods of two years, and the applicant needs to remain in Portugal for seven consecutive or non-consecutive days during the first year and fourteen consecutive or non-consecutive days during the subsequent two-year periods
Golden Visa - Eligible Investments
Setting up a business
You can also get a Golden Visa residency permit by setting up a company in Madeira or by investing in a Madeiran company. This way, you will need to invest €500.000 geared towards setting up, or increasing the capital of a Madeiran company, while also creating or maintaining 5 jobs.
In this case, the cherry on top is that Madeira companies benefit from a highly advantageous tax regime. The International Business Centre of Madeira (IBCM) offers one of the most competitive tax frameworks in Europe. Among its features, we highlight the 5% corporate tax rate on income generated outside Portugal. The IBCM is approved by the European Union and fully complies with all EU treaties and laws.
The advantages of setting up a company in Madeira include, but are not limited to:
- Reduced 5% corporate income tax (CIT) rate for income obtained outside Portugal
- Standard 14,7% CIT rate for income obtained in Madeira
- Special tax regime for non-habitual residents
- Exemption from withholding tax on the payment of royalties and dividends (IBCM companies)
- Exemption from withholding tax on the payment of services and interest to non-resident shareholders and on other forms of remuneration such as shareholder loans, allowances, or capital advances
- Reduced rates of stamp duty, property taxes (IMI and IMT), municipal taxes, autonomous taxation, and other fees and costs (IBCM companies)
Other investment options
- Acquisition of participation units in non-real estate investment funds. Capital transfers in the amount equal to or greater than €500,000, intended for acquiring participation units in non-real estate collective investment undertakings, constituted under the Portuguese legislation, with maturity, at the time of the investment, of at least five years and at least 60% of the value of the investment is made in commercial companies based in national territory
- Job creation. Creation of at least 10 jobs (full-time)
- Investment in science and technology. A transfer of capital for research activities carried out by public or private scientific institutions that are part of the national scientific and technological system. The minimum amount of the transfer is €500,000. The minimum investment amount is reduced by 20%, for investments in low-density areas
- Artistic production and national cultural heritage. Capital transfers of €250,000 or more can be made to support the investment or artistic production, recovery, and maintenance of national cultural heritage through certain entities that develop projects related to artistic production or the recovery and maintenance of the national cultural heritage. The minimum investment amount is reduced by 20%, for investments in low-density areas
Golden Visa - Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the Portuguese Golden Visa?
The Golden Visa is a residence-by-investment program that allows non-EU citizens to obtain a residence permit in Madeira in exchange for an investment.
There are many investment options to obtain a Golden Visa, such as creating 10 jobs, investing €500.000 in the share capital of a Portuguese company, investing €500.000 in Portuguese investment funds, among others.
2. Is the Golden Visa about to end?
Yes. The Golden Visa programme is being terminated but with effects only from the day following the publication of the law (and not from 16 February 2023, as previously rumoured). The granting and renewal of Golden Visa applications submitted but still pending at the date of entry into force of the new law will be processed as a residence permit for entrepreneurs but with a minimum required permanence period in Portugal of 7 days/year.
3. What is the difference between a Golden Visa and a D7?
The are many differences. The D7 is a residence permit granted to individuals or families that want to be Portuguese residents. To get a D7, you must prove you have the financial means to support yourself through passive income. D7 holders must stay in Portugal for at least 183 days and are considered tax residents, which means they are subject to taxation in Portugal.
The Golden Visa is a residence permit granted in exchange for an investment in Portugal. Golden Visa holders only have to stay 7 days in Portugal (in the first year) and are not automatically considered tax residents in Portugal, despite having the ability to register as such.
These visas have similarities, like the possibility to include any dependent family members and give all the advantages of other residence permits in Portugal, such as freedom to travel in the entire Schengen and the option to apply for Portuguese Non-Habitual Resident status.
4. Are the rules the same in all regions of Portugal?
No. There are specific rules for some regions of Portugal. For example, Portugal’s Golden Visa programme only allows investors to buy residential (i.e., non-commercial) real estate located in Madeira, the Azores, and some interior regions of mainland Portugal. This limitation rules out hotspots such as Lisbon, Porto, and much of the Algarve.
5. Can I apply for a Golden Visa?
Yes, as long as you fulfil the investment requirements and meet the deadlines. It is essential to know what documents will be required and have a holistic view of your specific needs regarding the investment option and your country of origin. This is why having an experienced partner such as NEWCO is a must.
6. Do I need a lawyer to apply for a Golden Visa?
You are not required to get a lawyer or any kind of legal help. However, bear in mind that not only obtaining a Golden Visa is a very significant financial investment; but also that navigating Portuguese law is a much more complex affair than it initially may seem.
It’s highly recommended that you have a local partner who is experienced in dealing with the inevitable bureaucracies that may show up, who can deal with all the necessary paperwork, and who can represent you if anything goes wrong.
7. Can a foreigner buy a house in Portugal?
Yes. There are no restrictions to buying property in Portugal for residents or non-residents. Our real estate department is ready to help you find your dream property for residence or as a second home. Owning property in Portugal does not, in itself, make you a resident.
8. Do I need to open a bank account in Portugal?
Yes. You will have to be the main holder of a Portuguese bank account to obtain a Golden Visa. Learn more about opening a bank account in Portugal in this article.
9. Can the Golden Visa investment be made through a bank loan?
Yes, if the loan comes from a non-Portuguese bank.
10. Do I need to live in Portugal?
For Golden Visa purposes, no. You are only required to spend 7 days in Portugal in the first year and 14 days in the following two years, should your Golden Visa be renewed. But why shouldn’t you want to live in Portugal? It’s a great place to live!
11. Will I pay taxes in Portugal?
Unless you are a Portuguese tax resident, you will only pay tax on your Portuguese income.
If you are a tax resident, you are subject to taxation on your worldwide income. This is where the Non-Habitual Resident tax regime comes. This tax regime has several tax benefits for recent tax residents in Portugal. Learn more.
12. How long will it take to have the Golden Visa?
The full process of obtaining a Golden Visa could take many months, depending on the investment option, your country of residence and other factors.
Right now, what’s most important is that you start your application process quickly while you still have time.
13. Once I have the Golden Visa, what rights do I have regarding healthcare? Can my children attend public schools?
It depends if you become a Portuguese resident or not. Healthcare is free for all Portuguese residents. Nonetheless, we always advise our customers to get private health insurance.
Public education is free for all residents until the 12th grade or 18 years of age. In Madeira, there are also many private schools that teach in English, that are fully integrated with the national school system.
Our team can help you arrange the best healthcare plans for you and your family, as well as the best schools for your children.
14. Once I have the Golden Visa, do I need to become a tax resident of Portugal?
No, unless you want to. To be considered a tax resident in Portugal, you must stay for over 183 consecutive days in Portugal or have an accommodation (your own or rented) that you intend to use as your main place of residence.
Nevertheless, there are many advantages to being a tax resident in Portugal, such as the very beneficial Non-Habitual Resident tax regime.
15. Can I travel and live in any of the Schengen countries?
The Golden Visa allows you to travel in the entire Schengen Area without a visa. However, it only grants in the ability to work, live or study in Portugal.
16. Can I bring my family with me? Who can be considered a family member?
Yes. Once your Golden Visa is approved, you can apply for family reunification. This means your spouse, children, and other first-degree relatives, who are your dependents (for example your father and mother).
17. For how long is the Golden Visa valid?
The Golden Visa is valid for one year and renewable for two periods of two years.
18. Can I obtain Portuguese citizenship? When?
You are eligible for Portuguese citizenship after holding a Golden Visa for 5 years.
Be aware that, to acquire Portuguese citizenship, you need to have a clean criminal record, have proficiency in the Portuguese language and prove you have genuine ties to the country.
After getting your Portuguese passport, you will be able to work, live and study anywhere within the Schengen Area.
19. How can NEWCO help me with all the above?
NEWCO does just that, help you with all the above. We have a team of experienced tax experts, relocation specialists and accountants who will help you handle all aspects of getting your visa or residence permit, moving to Portugal, and ensuring your investments are safeguarded.
Our clients have peace of mind that their family has the best quality of life and that their investments are secure.
Contact us today to start your Golden Visa application!